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tastiera, Sintetizzatore YAMAHA MOTIF XS8 + CUSTODIA. Usato garantito, in ottime condizioni. Disponibile per prova in negozio.

  • Keyboards MOTIF XS8: 88 keys, Balanced Hammer Effect Keyboard (Initial Touch/Aftertouch)
  • Tone Generator AWM2 with Expanded Articulation
  • Polyphony 128 notes
  • Multi Timbral Capacity 16 Parts (internal), Audio Input Parts (A/D, IEEE 1394*) *1 stereo Part
  • Wave 355MB (when converted to 16-bit linear format), 2,670 waveforms
  • Voice Preset: 1,024 Normal Voices + 64 Drum Kits GM: 128 Normal Voices + 1 Drum Kit User: 128 x 3 (selected and copied from Preset bank) Normal Voice + 32 Drum Kits
  • Performance User: 128 x 3 (up to 4 Parts)
  • Filter 18 types
  • Effect System Reverb x 9 types, Chorus x 22 types, Insertion (A, B, L) x 53 types x 8 blocks, Master Effect x 9 types, Master Equalizer (5 bands), Part EQ (3 bands, stereo)
  • Samples Up to 1,024 Waveforms (Multi Samples) Up to 128 Key Banks per Waveform Up to 4,096 Key Banks
  • Sampling Sources Analog input L/R, Stereo output (Resampling), IEEE 1394 Digital input (available on the MOTIF XS6 and 7 when the optional board has been installed)
  • A/D Conversion 24-bit, 64x oversampling
  • D/A Conversion 24-bit, 128x oversampling
  • Sample Data Bits 16
  • Sampling Frequency 44.1kHz, 22.05kHz, 11.025kHz, 5.5125kHz (Stereo/Mono) Sampling Frequency via IEEE 1394 (when the optional board has been installed): 44.1kHz (fixed)
  • Sample Length Mono: 32 MB Stereo: 64 MB
  • Sampling Time 44.1kHz: 6 min. 20 sec. 22.05kHz: 12 min. 40 sec. 11.025kHz: 25 min. 20 sec. 5.0125kHz: 55 min. 40 sec. *Mono/Stereo
  • Sample Format Original format, WAV, AIFF
  • Note Capacity Approx. 130,000 notes
  • Note Resolution 480 ppq (parts per quarter note)
  • Maximum Polyphony 124 notes
  • Tempo (BPM) 5 - 300
  • Recording type Real time replace Real time overdub (with the exception of the Pattern Chain) Real time punch in/out (Song only)
  • Tracks Pattern: 16 Phrase tracks Pattern Chain: Pattern track, Tempo track, Scene Song: 16 sequence tracks (Loop on/off can be set for each track), Tempo track, Scene track
  • Patterns 64 Patterns (x 16 sections) Measures: 256 maximum Mixing Voices: 16 Voices per Pattern and up to 256 Voices for all Patterns Mixing Templates: 32 for all Songs and Patterns
  • Phrases User Phrases: 256 per Pattern
  • Songs 64 Songs Mixing Voices: 16 Voices per Song and up to 256 Voices for all Songs Mixing Templates: 32 for all Songs and Patterns
  • Arpeggio Preset: Approx. 6,000 types User: 256 types *MIDI Sync, MIDI transmit/receive channel, Velocity Limit, and Note Limit can be set.
  • Scene Memory 5 per Song
  • Sequence Format Original format, SMF format 0, 1 (Format 1 load only)
  • Master User: 128 *8 Zones (Master keyboard settings), Assignable Knob/Slider settings, Program Change Table
  • Controllers Pitch Bend wheel, Modulation wheel, Ribbon Controller, Assignable Control Sliders x 8, Assignable Knobs x 8, Assignable Function buttons x 2, Data dial
  • Display 320 x 240 dot, 5.7 inch graphic color backlit LCD
  • Connectors OUTPUT L/MONO, R (standard phone jack) ASSIGNABLE OUTPUT L, R (standard phone jack) A/D INPUT L, R (standard phone jack) DIGITAL OUT PHONES (standard stereo phone jack) FOOT CONTROLLER 1, 2 FOOT SWITCH x 2 (SUSTAIN, ASSIGNABLE) MIDI IN/OUT/THRU USB (TO HOST, TO DEVICE) AC IN ETHERNET IEEE 1394 (MOTIF XS8 only)
  • Power Consumption 30W
  • Dimensions, Weight: 1,457 (W) x 466 (D) x 168 (H) mm, 28.6 kg
  • Accessori: Custodia Con Ruote, Pedale, Manuali

N.B. Le foto sono reali e corrispondono al prodotto in vendita.