seymour duncan srb1n humbkr for rickenbacker
seymour duncan srb1n humbkr for rickenbacker
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'Our Rickenbacker replacement pickups add output and hum-cancelization to 4000 series Ric basses. Great for all styles of music! We moved the Rickenbacker bass tone from great to downright amazing! The benefit of the bridge replacement pickup is the added power and sustain for those wanting a bigger push without tonal coloration. Alnico 5 magnets are the force behind this pickup, which is slightly larger than the stock bridge pickup, so the original chrome mounting ring cannot be used with it. We supply a special phenolic mounting ring that goes well with our pickup and will look great on your bass. It is suggested to replace your pickups as a set, however, it is not necessary. This Rickenbacker neck position replacement adds warmth, clarity, and increases the tonal range over stock a Ric neck pickup. We use two ceramic magnets and special windings to achieve this boost. This pickup is also slightly hotter and warmer than the originals, as well as hum-cancelling. Hand built in Santa Barbara, CA, the Rickenbacker bridge position replacement pickup uses two alnico bar magnets, 4-conductor leadwire, and is vacuum wax potted for squeal free operation. The neck model features ceramic magnets, a nickel silver cover, 4-conductor leadwire, and is also vacuum wax potted for squeal free operation.'