seymour duncan antq ii for jazz bass jive neck

seymour duncan antq ii for jazz bass jive neck
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Period correct late-60s Jazz Bass pickups, the Antiquity II Jazz Bass Jive neck and bridge take your vintage thump and add a hint of point to the attack. Built around the next phase of vintage Jazz Bass pickups from the mid-60s, the Antiquity II for Jazz Bass are perfect for the player looking for the ability to keep their tone smooth and clear, yet smack with mid-range punch when needed. These are great recording pickups for that very reason. The neck is also wound RW/RP for hum-free performance when paired with the bridge model. These vintage correct pickups are hand made in our Custom Shop, and use hand ground calibrated alnico 5 rod magnets, late 60s era gray flatwork, cloth pushback hookup wire, and are lacquered and wax potted like the originals.